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November 20, 2017Nedavno me je Golden Rose iznenadio paketom u kojem sam dobila dosta zanimljivih proizvoda i sada nakon sam ih sve isprobala želim da podelim svoje utiske sa vama. Pošto obožavam metalik proizvode, drago mi je da se i Golden Rose priključio tom trendu i mogu da kažem da su me kvalitetom oduševili.
- Liquid Glow Highlighter - Tečni hajlajter
Hajlajter je u nijansi Sunlight, a naziv mu u potpunosti odgovara jer me mnogo podseća na leto, kako zbog boje, tako i zbog načina na koji se presijavaju šljokice, koje pod svetlošću izgledaju kao da đuskaju na licu i jednostavno nisam mogla da nađem bolji način da to opišem. Mislim da zlatni hajlajteri inače ne idu najbolje uz svetao ten kao što je moj, ali kod ovog mi se sviđa to što iako jeste intenzivan, nije previše taman kao neki koje sam do sada probala. I jedva čekam da isprobam ostale nijanse, a pogotovo Pearly Pink, za koju mislim da će mi najviše odgovarati.
Highlighter is in shade Sunlight, and its name suits it perfectly because it remindes me of summer a lot, because of the colour and because of the way it sparkles, which makes it look like the glitter is dancing on your face and I couldn't find a better way to describe it. I don't think that golden highlighters fit very well light skin tones, like mine, but the thing I like about this one is that even though it's strong, it's not too dark like some others that I tried out by now. And I can't wait to try out other shades, especially Pearly Pink, which I believe will suit me the most.
- Metallic Liquid Eyeshadow - Metalik tečna senka
Metalik tečna senka mi je jedan od omiljenih proizvoda jer se veoma brzo i lako nanosi, tako da uz nju za manje od minut možete upotpuniti svoju šminku i izgledati fantastično, ali naravno možete je kombinovati i sa nekim drugim senkama. Nakon što je nanesem aplikatorom, četkicom za senku je razmažem tamo gde je to potrebno. Naravno morala sam da je isprobam kao karmin i barem po mom mišljenju može se i na taj način koristiti, a Jelena sa bloga The Couture Case mu je našla još jednu namenu, kao ajlajner, što mi verovatno nikad ne bi palo na pamet, a definitivno je odlična ideja! Moja senka je u nijansi 108 Copper Dust, što u prevodu znači "bakarna prašina", tako da je i iz samog naziva jasno koja je nijansa u pitanju, a ostale možete videti na dnu posta.
Metallic liquid eyeshadow is one of my favourite products because you can apply it fast and easy, so in less than a minute you can complete your makeup look and look amazing, but of course you can combine it with some other eyeshadows as well. After I apply it with its applicator, I use an eyeshadow makeup brush to blend it where it's needed. Of course I had to try it as a lipstick too and at least in my opinion you can use it that way too, and my friend Jelena from The Couture Case blog found another purpose for it, as an eyeliner, which probably wouldn't occur to me, but it's an awesome idea! My eyeshadow is in shade 108 Copper Dust, so the colour of it is obvious from the name.
- Matte Metallic Lip Crayon - Mat metalik olovka za usne
Olovka za usne iako je mat, kremasta je i veoma lagana, tako da ne isušuje usta. Bakarna je kao i Copper Dust senka, međutim nijansa je dosta svetlija i toplija, što mi ne odgovara tako da ću je kombinovati sa karminima, pa čak i sa tečnom senkom jer su odlična kombinacija.
The lip crayon is matte, but it's creamy and very light, so it doesn't dry out your lips. The colour is very similar to the Copper Dust eyeshadow, however the shade is lighter and warmer, which I don't really like and I prefer to combine it with lipsticks, even with the liquid eyeshadow because they look amazing combined.
- Soft Kiss Lip Marker - Marker za usne
Što se tiče markera za usne, ja obožavam takve proizvode zato što omogućavaju preciznije nanošenje nego karmini, tako da mi ovaj u potpunosti odgovara. Mat je i teže se skida zbog čega pretpostavljam da je dosta postojan ali to neću moći da potvrdim dok ga ne budem nosila ceo dan. Moj je u nijansi 05, tamno crven i meni je boja savršena jer mnogo više volim ove tamnije od drečavo crvenih.
I adore lip markers because they allow very precise application unlike lipsticks, so I love this product. It's matte and hard to remove so I hope that it will stay longer on lips, but I won't be able to say more about that until I wear it all day. Mine is in shade 05, it's dark red and to me the colour is perfect, because when it comes to red I prefer darker shades.
- Lip&Blush Velvet Touch
Nisam veliki ljubitelj rumenila, posebno ne tečnih, ali mislim da ovaj proizvod počinje da mi se sviđa zbog tople roze boje i da ću vam uskoro pokazati kako ga ja koristim u nekom od narednih instagram postova. Takođe se može koristiti kao karmin, mada ima čudnu teksturu, tako da ga stavljam u manjim količinama.
I'm not a fan of blushes, especially the liquid ones, but I think I'm starting to like this product more and more because of its warm pink shade, and I can't wait to show you how I wear it in some of my next makeup looks on instagram. You can also wear it as a lipstick, but I don't like its texture on lips, so I try not to apply too much. But I have to say I love how this colour looks on my lips, it's very girly and cozy, if that makes sense.

- Liquid Glow Illuminator Tinted Prime & Highlight - Tečni iluminator
Primers are something I always need and use in big quantities, but even though in description of this product it says that you can use it as a primer before applying foundation, I won't use it for the whole face because it's very sparkly. But I will gladly use it as a highlighter and as a primer on my eyes because it makes it easier to apply the eyeshadow, and makes it look more vibrant. On the picture bellow you can see how it looks like before spreading it, and to me it looks magical and it shines the same as Liquid Glow Highlighter, the only difference is the colour.
- Metallic Nail Color 101 - Metalik lak za nokte
Since I love Golden Rose nail polishes because of their small bottles and because they dry quickly, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from buying these new metallic nail polishes. I really like this colour and I'm excited about trying out the other ones.
- Lip Balm Primer - Prajmer za usne
Ovaj prajmer za usne je nešto što mi je bilo mnogo potrebno jer najviše nosim mat karmine, koji mi uglavnom toliko isuše usta da posle samo 2, 3 sata moram da ih skinem, tako da sam presrećna što napokon imam prajmer koji mi savršeno odgovara. Sviđa mi se to što dosta podseća na labelo a ima i takav miris. Ono što tražim kod prajmera je da usne ostavljaju glatkim i ne stvaraju nikakvu teksturu koja bi poremetila teksturu karmina ili otežala njegovo nanošenje, a ovaj prajmer je baš takav. Isprobala sam ga sa Jeffree Star tečnim karminom, a ti karmini su inače jako suvi i teško se skidaju. Još uvek ne mogu da kažem da li produžava trajanje karmina, ali definitivno hidrira usne i čini skidanje karmina lakšim, a ja se nadam da to neće poremetiti njegovu postojanost, već samo olakšati nošenje.
This lip balm primer is something I really needed because I use matte lipsticks a lot, and they dry out my lips so much, that I have to take them off after only 2 or 3 hours, so I'm very happy that I finally have a primer that suits me perfectly. I like primers that leave your lips smooth and don't create any texture that would disrupt the texture of the lipstick or make it difficult to apply it, and this primer is exactly like that. I tried it out with Jeffree Star liquid lipstick and those lipsticks are very dry and hard to remove. I can't tell yet if it makes the lipstick last longer, but it definitely hydrates the lips and makes it easier to remove the lipstick, but I hope that won't make it last shorter, but only ease the wearing.
- Sculpting Palette - Contour, Highlighter, Blush - Paleta za konturisanje
U paleti za konturisanje nalaze se nijansa za konturisanje lica, hajlajter i rumenilo. Ovaj proizvod ću sigurno najviše koristiti, jer je paleta veoma kvalitetna i boje su mi jako zanimljive. Smeđa nijansa mi odgovara i nemam nikakve zamerke, jer jedino što tražim od praha za konturisanje lica je da boja ne bude previše topla. Hajlajter je predivan što možete da vidite i na slikama, tako da ako više volite hajlajtere u prahu ovaj će vam se zasigurno svideti. Kao što sam već rekla rumenila ne koristim često, međutim mislim da će ovo rumenilo to promeniti jer sam se zaljubila u boju, koja kao što vidite na slici ispod nije čisto roze već ima neki zlatni odsjaj, zbog čega mi se toliko sviđa.
The Sculpting Palette contains contour powder, highlighter and blush. I will surely use this product the most, since the quality is really good and the colours are very interesting. The contour shade suits me well and I can't say anything bad about it, because the only thing that's important to me is that the colour is not too warm. The highlighter is wonderful, as you can see on the picture bellow, so if you prefer powdery highlighters you will definitely like this one. As I already mentioned, I don't use blushes very often, but I think this one will change it, because I'm in love with the colour, which, as you can see on the picture is not pure pink, instead it has a golden sparkle, which is the reason I like it so much.
To je sve za sada, a nadam se da ću vam uskoro na instagramu pokazati kako koristim ove proizvode. Koje proizvode vi jedva čekate da isprobate i šta vas je najviše zainteresovalo?
That's all for now and I hope I'll be able to show you soon on instagram how I wear these products.
Which of these products would you like to try the most?
Odličan post. GR je jedan od meni dražih brendova. Stvarno imaju odličan kvalitet po pristupačnoj cijeni ^_^
ReplyDeleteThat liquid glow highlighter! That's what I've been looking for. You're awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love them all...but if I had to choose a winner, it'd be the lip and blush velvet touch. The color resembles a soft and tasty cotton candy!
ReplyDeleteThe highlighters look awesome!
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