Striped lips makeup

January 17, 2017

Do you have those days when you wake up and don't feel like getting out of bed or doing anything? Well that's how I feel almost every day during winter, and the only thing that seems fun to me is doing makeup.
So there will probably be more of these posts, at least until my exams start. And now I'll talk about the products I have used.

Foundation: For foundation I have used Catrice Nude Illusion - Nude Ivory and Essence all about matt! fixing powder which I only apply on oily parts of my skin, but when I do looks like this one for fun and photographs I apply it everywhere because I want my skin to look as light as possible.

Eyebrows: For a few months I've been using only L'oreal brow artist pen, it's a good product but I will keep experimenting and try some new products soon.

Eyes: I have used Nyx Smokey Eye Palette, white and both black colour, the matte one and the glittery one. First I have applied white eyeshadow on inner parts of eyelids, then the matte black eyeshadow on middle and outer parts of eyelids. After that I have applied Aura black liquid liner and I have used glittery black eyeshadow to blend the eyeliner and eyeshadows. And at the end I used Aura's white pen on the inner part of my lowerd eyelid.

Lips: I have used Aura's white lip pen again as a base and on top Nyx Macaron

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  1. Heh, po pitanju zime i kreveta razumijem te :/. I sama bih dane provodila u kreveta, ali život ide dalje :D
    Predivan makeup. Kreativan i nesvakidašnji. Baš onakav kakav sam i navikla sa tvoje strane ^_^

  2. Very unusual lip but still very sexy. It's definitely unique! You do such great makeup all the time!


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