NYX Face Awards Serbia 2017 - Mad Hatter

March 29, 2017

Hello everyone! So you have probably heared of NYX Face Awards and this year I decided to apply for the competition.
I already planned to do this look for a long time so I thought why not now? I know the makeup is not so complex and I could have done something more interesting, but I feel like the whole look is important and I love the way I transformed into one of my favourite movie characters - Mad Hatter who was starred by Johnny Depp. The hat was handmade by my grandma, and I think she did a great job. You can probably notice that I also have a thimble, I hope it's not very noticeable on the photo but it's from Montenegro 😂. Of course now that it's over I'm starting to see things I could've done better but I'm still very happy with how it turned out considering the fact that I didn't have much time for it. Also I had to record with a phone since my camera is not good for recording and I'll insert the video if you want to watch and support me. And please don't forget to support me on instagram too and let me know what you think about this look! :)

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  1. Ja sam oduševljena. <3


  2. watched the video, cool video

  3. Fantastic image:)
    Have a nice day!


  4. you look wonderful ad really interesting


  5. Predivan post! Moram priznati da mi se jako dopada kako ti pristaje i ova boja kose, ali više mi se sviđa tvoja trenutna kombinacija na kosi :D

    Moj mali kutak

  6. Wow this is amazing! Great talent :)
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, already following!

    ThatSoMonica | @m.onica

  7. Jako mi se dopada tvoja ideja i sminka :) Bas je simpaticno i zanimljivo! Ja sam razmisljala da se prijavim, ali snimanje videa mi nije jaca strana, tako da sam odustala :) Inace nominovala sam te svrati da vidis o cemu se radi http://samo--kazem.blogspot.fr/2017/04/the-versatile-blogger-award.html

  8. This costume is so great. You are seriously talented!

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    thank you !

  9. I hope it's ok if I say it look kinda creepy...because I clearly see mad hatter. Still, you look very lovely!

  10. It's very impressive dear. I just love the hair!


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