Donut worry Be happy
September 13, 2016Hello everyone! ☺ So this week there will be a lot of outfit posts, since I had exams I didn't really have time for blog and now I have to do it all in just a few days.
I've been thinking about this outfit for a long time and now that I got this amazing donut beach towel from Rosegal I thought this would be the perfect time. Although it's a stated as beach towel I think you can use it however you want and I just use it as a decoration for my bed. And just to let you know they have a style gallery where you can win cash by posting your outfit in their clothing. Also check out this new app for shopping online it's called YoShop. The crop top is from Shein but unfortunately right now it's sold out and the only place where you can find it is ebay but it's more expensive, and you can get the choker here. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment ☺
Ćao svima! ☺ Ove nedelje će biti dosta outfit postova jer sam imala ispite tako da nisam imala vremena za blog i sada moram da uradim sve za samo par dana. Dugo sam planirala ovaj outfit i sada kada sam na Rosegal-u uzela ovu prostirku u obliku krofne pomislila sam da je pravo vreme za to. Iako na sajtu piše da je za plažu, možete je koristiti kako god hoćete, a meni obično stoji preko kreveta kao dekoracija. I samo da vas obavestim Rosegal ima galeriju - " style gallery " gde možete staviti svoje slike u njihovoj odeći i osvojiti kupon. Takođe posetite novu aplikaciju za online kupovinu, YoShop. Majica je sa Shein-a, ali je nažalost rasprodata i jedino je možete naći na ebayu gde je dosta skuplja, a čoker možete naći ovde. Hvala što ste čitali, slobodno ostavite komentar ☺
Joj cakano je skroz, krofna se lepo uklopila! :D
Hvalaa :D ♥
DeletePreeekrasna si!
ReplyDeleteDivno izgledaš, slike su ti odlične, sve je baš nekako tumblr, jako mi se sviđa i veselim se sljedećim postovima. ♥♥
Hvala tii :D Drago mi je da ti se sviđa ^^ ♥ ♥ ♥
Deletesuch patterns are always a great choice) So sweet!
Thanks :3
DeleteQue incrível estamos encantadas, arrasou ♥
Vou Arrasar
Obrigada ♥ :)
ReplyDelete:D ♥
DeleteSo pretty donut towel ♡ I follow you on Bloglovin', GFC and G+. Follow me back ♡
Hvalaa :D <3
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