Pastel outfit | Boom Cha

August 05, 2016

Recently I wrote a post about Rosegal, and now I'm showing you stuff that I got from their website.
And just to make pictures and outfit more interesting I put a temporary tattoo which I got from ebay :). The pastel top that I'm wearing is actually supposed to be a dress but since I'm tall to me it's like a tank top, and just to let you know the measurements on their website are correct. Unfortunately this one is not available on the website anymore but there are many other beautiful clothing pieces, just look at my wishlist. The necklace is also from Rosegal and you can find it here, the colour is a little bit different than I expected but I still love it! I like everything I got and I can't wait to get more stuff from their website.

necklace: here
dress/tank top: here
Rosegal : instagram and facebook


Nedavno sam pisala o online prodavnici Rosegal i sada ću vam pokazi ono što sam uzela sa njihovog sajta. A kako bi slike bile malo zanimljivije dodala sam i privremenu tetovažu sa ebaya :). Pastelna majica koju nosim bi zapravo trebalo da bude haljina i znala sam da će meni biti kao majica ali ipak sam je uzela jer mi se mnogo sviđa. Nažalost rasporadata je i ne znam da li će se opet naći u prodaji ali pogledajte moju listu želja i možda nađete nešto zanimljivo. Mere na sajtu su tačne, što sam proverila kada mi je stigla odeća koju sam naručila i upozoravam vas da se uvek izmerite pre nego što nešto uzimate kako ne bi posle bile razočarane. Ogrlica koju nosim je takođe sa Rosegal-a i ovde je možete naći, boja je malo drugačija nego na slici na sajtu ali meni se i dalje sviđa! Zadovoljna sam onim što sam naručila i jedva čekam da uzmem još nešto sa njihovog sajta.

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  1. Cool outfit!Love your hair :)

  2. Predivna u pastelnom! :D

  3. Great post!

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  4. Majica je predivna, a outfit jako interesantan :-) Boja kose ti wow!

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