10 Helpful TIPS for Blogger begginers | 10 Korisnih SAVETA za početnike na Bloggeru
April 02, 2016
For a while I've been thinking about writing this post and finally I am. In the beggining every time I'd change my layout I'd spend a lot of time doing it, so I though why not help other people who don't really know anything about it, and gather all the important things for changing the HTML code of layouts. So these are basically some tips for begginers on how to improve your blog + HTML codes that every blogger should know how to add or change...
Već neko vreme sam razmišljala o tome da napišem ovaj post i napokon sam odlučila da to uradim. U početku kada bih menjala temu bloga uvek bih potrošila dosta vremena na to tako da sam pomislila zašto da ne pomognem onima koji ne znaju mnogo o tome i sakupim najbitnije HTML kodove na jedno mesto. Ovo su samo neki saveti za početnike kako da poboljšaju blog + HTML kodovi koje svaki bloger treba da zna kako da doda ili izmeni...
1. Add followers button. I think everyone should have it because it's the easiest way for people to follow your blog and see when new post is out. Just go to Layout > Add a gadget > More gadgets and you can find it on that page. It looks like this:
1.Dodajte followers prozorčić. Mislim da svako treba da ga ima na blogu jer je to najlakši način da oni koji žele prate šta pišete i lako saznaju kada izbacite novi post. Idite u Layout > Add a gadget > More gadgets i naći ćete ga na toj stranici, a izgleda ovako:
2. Use two columns layout. I think that layouts like these are the best for fashion and beauty bloggers because in the small column you can always put useful widgets, like your social network pages, for example, facebook, pinterest, lookbook etc. And I think the best thing to do it to put your picture/info at the top, then the followers widget, and then whatever you want.
2. Koristite temu sa dve kolone. Mislim da su ovakve teme najbolje, posebno za modne blogere, jer u malu kolonu možete da stavite sve korisne dodatke, na primer za socijalne mreže kao što su fejsbuk, pinterest, lookbook itd. I po mom mišljenju najbolje je da na početak stavite svoju sliku/informacije i slično, zatim followers dodatak i dalje šta god želite.

3. Change the cursor. Sometimes it can be too much, but I think there are a lot of cool and simple cursors that can make your blog more awesome, but that's just my opinion. You add them by adding a new HTML code widget, and just copy the code in it. You can find them on this website, and here are some of my favourites:
3. Promenite cursor. Ovo nekada može biti previše, ali postoji puno lepih i jednostavnih kursora kojima možete ulepšati blog, ali to je samo moje mišljenje. Dodajte ih tako što kopirate njihov HTML kod u novi HTML dodatak (widget). Možete ih naći na ovom sajtu, a ovo su neki od mojih omiljenih:
4. Translate your posts to english. If you only write your posts in your native language, I think you should translate them to english. I hate it when I want to read someone's blog but I can't because it's written in a language that I don't understand. I think if you want more people to read your blog you should do it.
4. Prevodite postove na engleski. Ako pišete samo na svom jeziku smatram da treba da počnete da prevodite i na engleski. Baš ne volim kada posetim nečiji blog ali je na jeziku koji ne razumem i zato mislim da ako želite da više ljudi čita vaše postove treba da ih prevodite.
5. Add categories. If you have posts on different topics on your blog you should add categories, and here is how you can do it. The easiest way to do it is to use a template that already has categories. And I'll explain to you how to change the titles and add your own, it's very easy. As an example we'll take page called "Makeup".
5. Dodajte kategorije. Ako pišete o raznim temama na svom blogu trebalo bi da dodate kategorije i to možete uraditi ovako. Najlakši način je da prvo kao temu uzmete neku koja već ima kategorije, a zatim ih možete lako izbrisati i dodati svoje. Kao primer zamislite da treba da napravimo stranicu "Makeup".
- Go to Template section > Edit HTML
- Click CTRL + F to search for categories
- In search window type name of one of the categories that already exist, if there's only category Home, look for it like this >Home</a></li> so that you can find it easier.
- This is part of the code that is important to you:
- Idite u Template > Edit HTML
- Kliknite CTRL + F da nađete kategorije
- U prozorčiću za pretragu upišite ime neke od kategorija koja već postoji, ako ima samo home ukucajte ovaj kod i trebalo bi da nađete >Home</a></li>
- Ovo je deo koda koji je nama bitan:
<li><a href='#'>Name of the page</a></li>
instead of # there should be link to the page, which for our Makeup page is /search/label/makeup, and instead of Name of the page you should write Makeup. Our code should now look like this:
umesto # treba da bude link stranice, čiji kod za našu Makeup stranicu treba da izgleda ovako /search/label/makeup, a umesto Name of the page, treba da napišete Makeup. Naš kod sada treba da izgleda ovako:
<li><a href='/search/label/makeup'>Makeup</a></li>
- Now click save! And when you go to your blog and click on your new page all the posts with Label makeup will appear.
- Sada sačuvajte vašu temu bloga, i kada odete na blog i uđete na svoju novu stranicu treba da se prikažu svi postovi u čijem ste Labels delu napisali reč makeup
So now that you know how the code for pages looks like you can delete the existing ones, and add your own. Just instead of makeup wite anything you want. And don't forget the labels in your posts!
Sada kada znate kako izgleda kod za stranice možete da brišete postojeće i dodajete svoje. Samo umesto makeup napišite ono što želite. I ne zaboravite da dodajete etikete (labels) u svoje postove!
6. Add CONTACT page. This is the easiest way for people to contact you and I thought it would be better for me to share this post with you where it's perfectly explained how to do it.
6. Dodajte KONTAKT stranicu. Ovo je najlakši način da vas ljudi kontaktiraju i mislim da je najbolje da sa vama podelim ovaj članak gde je savršeno objašnjeno kako da to uradite.
7. Make your own logo! Awesome unique logo will always make your blog look better. If you don't have an idea or don't know how to use programs like photoshop, you can always make it online, and I think FOTOR is the best website for things like that because you can make amazing custom covers, or just get inspiration for it.
7. Napravite svoj logo! Originalan logo će vam uvek poboljšati izled bloga. Ako nemate ideju ili ne znate da koristite programe kao što je fotošop, uvek možete to uraditi online, i mislim da je FOTOR najbolji sajt za to jer možete napraviti odličan logo ili samo naći inspiraciju za to.

8. How to add your links if you have social media buttons. If you have buttons like those in your template I'll show you how to add links to your profiles. It's very easy.
8. Kako da dodate svoje linkove ako imate dugmiće za socijalne mreže. Ako imate dugmiće kao ove na slici objasniću vam kako da dodate svoje linkove, veoma je lako.
- Go to Template > Edit HTML
- Click CTRL + F, in search window write instagram, for example, if there's a button for it
- Now you have probably found a code like this one, and just write the link of your instagram profile instead of the symbol #.
- Idite u Template > Edit HTML
- Kliknite CTRL + F, i u prozorčiću za pretragu napišite na primer instagram, ako imate dugme za njega
- Sada ste verovatno našli ovaj kod i samo treba da napišete link svog instagram profila umesto simbola #.
<a href='#' title='instagram'><span class='fa fa-instagram'/></a>
But be careful, it has to begin like this https://www in order to work, if it's only www at the beggining it won't work!
Ali budite pažljivi jer mora da počinje ovako https://www kako bi radilo, ako napišete samo www na početku onda neće raditi!

9. Insert jump breaks in your posts. I don't like it when I visit someone's blog, and their whole long posts are shown on the home page. So this is what I do, after one or two sentences I click on this button called jump break and then in order for people to see the rest of the post they need to click on 'Continue Reading'.
9. Dodajte "jump breaks" u postove. Ne sviđa mi se kada vidim blog na čijoj početnoj strani su prikazani celi postovi, sem ako nisu baš kratki. Tako da ja, nakon jedne ili dve rečenice kliknem na ovo dugme koje se zove jump break i onda kako bi neko video ostatak posta mora da klikne "Continue Reading".
10. Stop tracking your own views. This option exists on blogger but it's not working so I found another way. And if you visit your blog from your phone only open www.blogspot.com because if you open your blog it will track those views. So here's the solution to stop the tracking from computer:
10. Prestanite da pratite svoje preglede. Na bloggeru postoji ova opcija ali iz nekog razloga ne radi, tako da sam našla drugo rešenje. A ako posećujete blog preko mobilnog radite to samo preko www.blogspot.com gde možete videti sve novosti, ali ako otvorite blog računaće te posete. A evo rešenja da zaustavite praćenje svojih pregleda preko kompjutera:
10. Stop tracking your own views. This option exists on blogger but it's not working so I found another way. And if you visit your blog from your phone only open www.blogspot.com because if you open your blog it will track those views. So here's the solution to stop the tracking from computer:
10. Prestanite da pratite svoje preglede. Na bloggeru postoji ova opcija ali iz nekog razloga ne radi, tako da sam našla drugo rešenje. A ako posećujete blog preko mobilnog radite to samo preko www.blogspot.com gde možete videti sve novosti, ali ako otvorite blog računaće te posete. A evo rešenja da zaustavite praćenje svojih pregleda preko kompjutera:
- Copy this link in the address bar, but replace yourdomain.com with the address of your blog:
- Kopirajte ovaj link u pretragu ali zamenite yourdomain.com sa adresom svog bloga:
- Press enter and something like this should show up, and that's it:
- Kliknite enter, treba da dobijete ovu poruku i to je to:
// API callback
If you need help with anything or you didn't understand something feel free to ask :)
Ako vam treba pomoć oko nečega ili vam nešto nije jasno slobodno pitajte :)
Really cool post! I love all the tips and tricks you talked about x
ReplyDeleteLina / lina-khalifa.blogspot.com
thanks dear, it's really helpfull
ReplyDeletehave a great day
I'm glad, you too :)
DeleteŽenooo...pa ja tebe obožavam! xD
ReplyDeleteOsećam da sam ti ja bila inspiracija za post :D
Haha nijee :P vec duze vreme sam razmisljala o tome...u poslednje vreme cesto nailazim na neke blogove kojima svasta fali a znam s cime sam se ja mucila xD pa sam uz to dodala jos neke sitnice....ali tvoj lepo izgleda bez obzira na to sto nema nista, jer je jednostavan i imas dobre slike :)
DeleteGreat post! :)
Thanks :)
DeleteUzeću u obzir svaki od ovih saveta ��
ReplyDelete:D Drago mi je
DeleteThanks :) we already follow each other :P
ReplyDeleteThanks :) I will
ReplyDeleteHello dear,
ReplyDeletefantastic post! I follow you back now!
Thank you :D
DeleteOdlični savjeti! :-)
ReplyDeleteHvala :D
DeleteHello from Spain: fabulous tips. Keep in touch
ReplyDeleteGracias :3
Deletenice post, really helpfull :)
ReplyDeletei'm beginner and you really help me :)
http://punkowa-krolowa.blogspot.com/ follow back ? :)
Thanks, I'm glad :D
DeleteZapratila sam i ja tebe :*
Hvala :D
DeleteOvo je odlican post! Mnogo ce pomoci onima koji tek pocinju,a mislim da ce i nama koji vec duze vreme imamo blog! :) Uzvratila sam follow <3
Super i veoma koristan post! Pratim te sada! :) <3
ReplyDeleteVildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE
Hvala :3 <3
DeleteThanks, sure :D
ReplyDeletePre svega divan ti je blog, sviđe mi se ova ideja super je što imaš post kako da pomogneš mladim početnicama u blogovanju, jer npr ja sam morala sve sama da učim, a neko će ovo da pročita i biče mu olakšano :)
ReplyDeleteHvala ti puno, drago mi je da ti se svidja :))
DeleteDivan post, ja sam pocetnica, i svakako ce mi puno pomoci, hvala ti. :*
Hvala ti :D i nema na cemu :3
ReplyDeleteI am always searching online for articles that can help me. There is obviously a lot to know about this.
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