Feel Unique HAUL | part 1 ( online kupovina )

March 01, 2016


Hi everyone! I found out about Feel Unique about two months ago and I wish I had earlier, because
this is one of the best online shops. For those who don't know they sell cosmetics and also some electricals by more than 300 brands. What I like the most about this website is that shipping is free if you spend £10 or more. Also you can often find promo codes and pay less, so my advice is not to hurry with ordering, because they often have discounts of 15-20% :). Another important thing is that you can choose your favourite brand for which you'll always get 10% off, and you can change it every 6 months. Also when you invite a friend to their website they get 15% off their first order, and as soon as they place the order you will get £5 off your next one. And if you recommend 5 friends you'll get a £25 Gift Voucher, which unfortunately you can't use for all brands, but it's still pretty awesome, right? :D 

I purchased at their website twice and never had any problem. You don't have to worry about anything because they are very responsible. If for any reason you get charged import duty, they will refund those charges if you notify them within 30 days of despatch.


Ćao svima! Saznala sam za Feel Unique tek pre oko dva meseca i žao mi je što nisam ranije jer je ovo po mom mišljenju jedna od najboljih online prodavnica. Za one koji ne znaju na ovom sajtu možete kupiti kozmetiku kao i neke električne uređaje, od preko 300 brendova. Ono što mi se najviše sviđa u vezi sajta je to što je dostava besplatna ako potrošite £10 ili više. Takođe često možete naći promo kodove i platiti manje, tako da vam savetujem da ne žurite sa kupovinom, jer često imaju popuste od 15 do 20%. Još jedna važna stvar je da možete izabrati vaš omiljeni brend za koji ćete uvek imati 10% popusta, a možete ga menjati na svakih 6 meseci.  Ako se neko registruje sa sajt preko vašeg linka onda dobija popust od 15% za prvu porudžbinu i čim kupi nešto na sajtu vi dobijate vaučer od  £5, a ako pozovete 5 prijatelja dobićete vaučer od čak  £25. Nažalost ne može se iskoristiti za sve brendove ali pored toliko dobrih ponuda ne žalim se :D !

Ja sam na njihovom sajtu dva puta kupovala i nisam imala nikakvih problema. Ne morate da brinete ni o čemu jer su veoma odgovorni i ako iz nekog razloga morate da bilo šta dodatno platite, kada vam stigne paket, ako im javite u roku od 30 dana od slanja paketa, oni će vam vratiti taj novac.

theBalm | Mary Lou Manizer Luminizer

I do think the luminizer is expensive, but with a discount that I got it was definitely worth it. Honestly I'm not sure if I'd pay the original price, but I feel like there's nothing that I don't like about this product, the packing is very cool, the luminizer is amazing, I think it will last for a long time since it has 8.5g and it's something that you won't throw away after it runs out because you'll still be able to use it as a mirror. I will surely try some of their other products, because I'm very satisfied with this one. 


Što se tiče ovog hajlajtera mislim da su malo preterali sa cenom, ali sa popustom koji sam dobila vredelo je kupiti ga. Iskreno ne znam da li bih ga kupila po originalnoj ceni, ali osim toga definitivno ne mogu da mu nađem nijednu drugu manu. Veoma mi se sviđa pakovanje, kao i proizvod za koji smatram da će mi dugo trajati jer ga ima 8.5g. Takođe mislim da je veliki plus to što čak i kada ga potrošite nećete ga baciti, jer se i dalje može koristiti kao ogledalce. Sigurno ću probati još neke proizvode ovog brenda, jer sam ovim veoma zadovoljna.

Zoella beauty | foam sweet foam cleansing shower gel

I actually didn't expect to like this product, I thought that I won't like the smell, but I liked the packing a lot and also had to add something to my cart to get the discount. But when I got it I couldn't stop smelling it, the smell is very beautiful! I think this shower gel is really worth the price, it's perfect and I would definitely purchase it again. And now I really have the need to try all of her products :D


Iskreno nisam očekivala da mi se svidi ovaj gel za tuširanje, mislila sam da mi miris neće odgovarati, ali sam ga ipak kupila jer mi se mnogo sviđa kako izgleda i takođe kako bih dobila popust. Ali premašio je moja očekivanja, mnogo mi se sviđa miris i drago mi je što sam ga kupila! Smatram da vredi kupiti ga i definitivno bih da ponovo uzela. I sada imam veliku želju da probam i ostale Zoella beauty proizvode :D

Real Techniques | Setting Brush

This is my first Real Techniques brush, and I don't really have much to say about it, because I don't think you can ever make a mistake with Real Techniques. It has synthetic taklon bristles and can be used for applying cream or powder highlighter or setting powder under eyes or in the contours of your face. The brush is very nice and also it looks pretty cool, like the rest of their products! 😉


Ovo je prvi put da sam kupila nešto od Real Techniques, četkica je od sintetičke dlake i može se koristiti za nanošenje hajlajtera i konturisanje lica puderom.  Nemam ništa posebno da kažem o četkici, zadovoljna sam i  mislim da sa ovim brendom ne može da se pogreši A pored svega toga izgleda kul kao i ostali Real Techniques proizvodi! 😉

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  1. Nice review. I like the background you used to take your pictures!

    I have followed you via GFC, follow back?
    Walking Freckle


  2. Pre neki dan su promenili pravila. Sad je 60 funti minimalan iznos za besplatnu dostavu! Imas srece :)

    1. Hvala ti, nisam znala, moracu da izmenim post...bas sam razocarana, ne znam kako im to ide u korist, verujem da ce izgubiti veliki broj kupaca. Za nas je dostava $20 :S Imaju najbolju ponudu al izgleda da cu morati da predjem na neki drugi sajt :D

  3. Nice

    Love Vikee


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