INSIGHT DRY HAIR shampoo + conditioner | review

May 01, 2015

About two months ago I have decided to start using SLS/SLES free shampoo and conditioner but I wasn't sure which one to try. I was afraid that sulfate free products will make my hair more oily. So I decided to try Insight products because they are not expensive and it wouldn't be a big deal if I made a mistake.
But fortunately I didn't, I really like and plan to continue using their products. They smell really nice and make my hair nice and soft. I've read a lot about INSIGHT shampoos and conditioners, bad things also, and all I can say is that I recommend you to try them, because if it doesn't work for some people it doesn't mean it won't work for you!
As I said I bought it because it's sulphate free, and on the bottle it says it contains Sodium coceth sulfate, so I searched about that ingredient and haven't found anything bad about it. 
But why use SLS/SLES free shampoos?  I'm not going to write about that, instead I'll give you a link where you can find out more, just click HERE. And it's your choice if you'll believe those things or not.
I said this 'cause I have also found some articles saying that shampoos with sulfate don't damage hair and that there's no difference between those too. In my opinion that's just wrong, because isn't it always better and healthier to use products that are more natural? Especially if you damage your hair with dying and bleaching like I do, it's the least you can do for your hair. 
Thanks for reading my blog, and I'd also like to hear you opinion on this and experience with using sulphate free shampoos if you do :)
Pre jedno dva meseca sam odlučila da počnem da koristim šampone i pakovanja bez sulfata, ali nisam mogla da odlučim koje da isprobam. Plašila sam se plasila da će mi od njih kosa biti masnija, pa sam odlučila da isprobam INSIGHT proizvode jer nisu skupi. Mogu da kazem da jako lepo mirišu i da mi odgovaraju :) Kosa mi se ne masti više nego obično od njih i moram da napomenem da mi se ne stvara perut, mada nikada nisam ni imala probleme sa tim. Ali ovo govorim zato sto sam čitala dosta o ovim proizvodima na dobro poznatom forumu :D i vidim da nekim devojkama ne odgovaraju baš iz tog razloga. Naravno nisam dozvolila da me to spreči da ih isprobam, jer smatram da to što nekim osobama nešto ne odgovara, to nikako ne mora da važi za sve :D
Ako niste obavešteni, podeliću sa vama link o tome zašto je preporučljivo koristiti šampone bez sulfata, samo kliknite OVDE. I naravno vaš je izbor da li ćete se složiti sa ovim ili ne :) Ovo kažem zato što sam takođe čitala razne tekstove u kojima se govori o tome kako nema velike razlike izmedju šampona sa i bez sulfata, i kako sulfat nije toliko nezdrav za koži kosu kao što se priča. Ja se iskreno ne slažem s tim, jer smatram da je uvek bolje koristiti proizvode sa što manje hemikalija :)
Hvala vam što ste citali ovaj post i volela bih da čujem vaše mišljenje o svemu ovome i vaše iskustvo sa proizvodima bez sulfata ako ih koristite :) <3

Za one koji ne znaju, kod nas INSIGHT proizvode možete naći na sajtu Alexandar cosmetics


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  1. hmmmm interesting post dear! I am still torn on whether or not I want to try this, it is tempting.


    1. Thanks :) you should, you've got nothing to lose :D

  2. Interesantan review, veoma zanimljivo! :D

  3. Odličan post Nataša , jako mi se dopada ova recenzija. Ako pronađem negde ovaj šampon , sigurno ću ga kupiti. <3

    P.S. Postala sam član tvog bloga , pa bi mi značilo da se i ti učlaniš u moj blog:

  4. Odličan post. Divna recenzija. Postala sam član tvog bloga. :)

  5. Odličan post! I ja se trudim koristiti proizvode sa što manje kemikalija, skamenila sam se kad sam pročitala što sve unosimo u sebe kroz šminku i ovakve proizvode. Voljela bih isprobati ove stvarčice!

  6. Good read! I've been looking into dry shampoos so yay! XO
    -Lauren Blair

  7. I agree with you--natural has to be best (at least that's what I've always thought). T.

  8. Odličan post!! :)
    Baš lepo si opisala!!

    Novi post na mom blogu!! :)

  9. Great Post,

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  10. Lovely review

    Love Vikee

  11. Looks nice :)
    Maria V.

  12. Interesting review :) How about try the Dove Damage Therapy Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo? I saw a blog post about it on and they highly recommend the product :D

  13. Wow nice compare. I like to use both. Organic shampoo always good for any hair.
    shampoo and conditioner review

  14. Great products for hairs revitalization and growing.

  15. This blog has helped me a lot! Thank you.


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    Hair Shampoo


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